Cold smoked Chalk Stream Trout served with beetroot and cumin slaw, horseradish mousse and local baby watercress

Cold smoked Chalk Stream Trout served with beetroot and cumin slaw, horseradish mousse and local baby watercress

This dish has been created by Jay Williams, Head Chef at The Wellington Arms, Stratford Turgis. Read more about Jay. 

Ingredients – serves 4


250g fresh purple beetroot (from your local farm shop), grated raw | 100g radicchio, finely shredded | 1 handful dill, finely chopped | 1 tbsp cumin seeds, toasted, then ground with a pestle and mortar | 25ml sherry vinegar| 75ml The Cold Pressed Oil Company’s rapeseed oil

Horseradish mousse

1 cm finely grated horseradish root | 200 ml double cream | pinch of sea salt

Trout and dressing
8 thin slices of cold smoked Chalk Stream trout | baby watercress to garnish | drizzle of The Cold Pressed Oil Company’s rapeseed oil



Combine the beetroot, radiccio, dill, ground cumin seeds, sherry vinegar and rapeseed oil in a bowl and season with sea-salt and cracked black pepper. Leave aside.

To prepare the horseradish mousse, place the grated horseradish and pinch of salt into a food processor and blitz for 30 seconds. Then add double cream into the processor and blitz until the cream is whipped into a mousse consistency. 

To serve, arrange three piles of the slaw on a plate and top with a slice or two of the cold smoked trout. Add 4 or 5 small dots (see picture) of horseradish mousse around the plate and garnish with baby watercress and a drizzle of cold pressed rapeseed oil. 

This dish is delicious when paired with a crisp, white wine. If you have any leftover slaw, store this in a container and chill for up to 3 days, also perfect accompaniment to cured meats.